
The days before the Internet revolution…
While I recognize the magnitude of having every tidbit of available information known to man at our fingertips, there is such value to nothingness or to lack of resources.
Let me explain…
Before I had this abundance of imagery, documents and feedback, my art was derived from a visceral reaction to my environment. If I saw a color or texture that inspired me, I would go through a process of analysis, mood boards, clipping magazine images, etc until an idea took form and became art.
It was a stream of Eureka! Moments and the greatest satisfaction that came from knowing this was My idea…my soul exposed….
Then came the internet!
To think that I could have an infinite source of inspiration and resources with just a click of a mouse! It was exhilarating! Patterns, images, recipes… wow. STOP!
Paralysis. It took a while to happen but it did. The paralysis that comes from the “too much” syndrome. Yes. There is such a thing. Not only did I become totally overwhelmed with the myriad of options available but also with the abundance of “I need this” supplies. I remember the days when I thought my one camera, with my only lens was more than enough. I had to see the world with that specific millimeter distance because that’s all I had… all I knew. If I had paper to write or draw, I had ONE kind of paper. One kind of ink. And my ideas were free to flow because I was not occupied thinking about what would I use to create art but rather the art itself. If I had film, I never worried about anything but finding the right image.
The kind that comes from viewing other people’s work and thinking mine should be the same. The kind that comes from thinking I need a workshop with said artist because I need to be like her/him. Whatever happened to creating your own style because that’s what we should strive for?
When we put art out into the world, don’t we want others to see OUR vision? Why would I want to emulate others? Being an artist is being original. Unique.
Originality cannot occur with imitation.
Post process an image in photoshop … or don’t. Are you creating your own vision? Or are you subconsciously channelling someone else’s art? It’s almost inevitable. Go to any photography forum or art group online and look at images for hours. Eventually you end up bringing to life someone else’s vision.
Not what I want….
Unplug for a day…
Unplug for a week… a month!
Let your mind become raw again. Let your ideas flow from watching your surroundings closely.
Let your soul be filled with your own world’s colors and textures.
Bring your own heart’s desires to life.
Look at every piece of your world and then attempt to communicate with your art. Is your life filled with light and happy colors? Put that into your work. Show it. Is your life moody, dark, filled with gray dreams screaming to escape? Put that into your work. Make a concerted effort to communicate what your mind sees. .
When I click my camera, I try to steal a moment from the present and keep it eternal.
I try to show the heart, the soul… the reality of our lives.
I can’t do it if I’m worried about what others are trending. I can’t do it if I feel that my art is inferior to others.
Look at that statement ^^^
Inferior to others????? Is YOUR art!!
There is no such thing as better or worse art! Art is one’s expression of the mind. So how could your art be better than mine or vice versa? It is MY expression. I’m so different from you! I’m unique! It is MY art. It is MY feelings. How could it be wrong or right?

Nothing wrong from getting inspired by others. . When you become them…. that’s when you stop being an artist. You just became an imitation. you just became paralyzed.

Prevent paralysis
Channel your OWN dream or Your OWN reality.
Stop comparing yourself to others.

Be a true artist by respecting other people’s own expressions and contributing with your own.

Your kiss is on my list …… – Filofax and Preparing for Valentine’s day!

Preparing myself for Valentine’s day has never been one of my strongest points. I usually run to the store the morning of and buy the last decent card available, running through a Target or a Walmart and hoping I can find that perfect gift that says I love you. Of course I always hope it looks as if I placed lots of thought and preparation but my honey can see through me every time. Especially when I show up with the “muscle man” teddy bear that says “Be Mine. Who gives a guy a teddy bear for Valentine’s????????????? Seriously!

This year I decided to be proactive and my handy Filofax is here to help me make up for years of Valentine’s Day neglect!

I started by getting an explosion of Valentine’s Day paraphernalia because with me, I create as I go and once I have it all in my vision, that’s when I can get down and dirty with scissors and washi tape on hand. Thankfully the craft industry indulged! Hearts Galore!! Everywhere! I actually enjoyed it so much I am getting ready to do ALL of February in red and pink. Watch out Filofax lovers! You are about to get bombarded with hearts and arrows!

Filofax decorationAren’t those owl stickers to die for???? That’s for my next layout. The postage stamp stickers are the ones I chose to execute my plan.

I cut scraps of white cardstock and put the stamps on with washi tape. (I know 12,309,874,387 ways to use the vast supply of Washi tape currently taking up every inch of my studio).

Next I wrote a “treat” on each piece of card stock. The idea here is that for the week of Valentine’s Day, my hubby will be showered with goodies of the most awesome kind. Massage, Foot rub, Homemade desserts, Candlelight dinner and much more. He will get the little piece of paper with the treat to look forward to that evening and it all ends with a bang on Valentine’s Day. Ok. I did not even think that one but I am leaving the innuendo because as I am typing this I am laughing at my quirky humor. Now, seriously. I will be using my Filofax Original Pink Personal planner to help me in executing each day perfectly. I will be entering things like “pick up movie tickets”, “make reservations for dinner”, “look up recipe for steak” and so much more! On Valentine’s Day he gets to have dinner, dessert, a walk around town and much more.

Most of these treats are of no cost to me but I know he will appreciate it so much more than a teddy bear. Enjoy the eye candy and think of ways to make your V Day special!




valentine_s day layout




Finished layout and “treats” ready to be gifted!




Filofax Osterley Layout

It’s been another crazy week in my life. It was supposed to be a slow week where I would catch up with a million things but it did not happen. I don’t complain because it means I have work and being self employed, it means everything to me. I’m very blessed! I had a chance to do a quick layout in my Osterley last night while watching tv with the hubby. It is my daughter’s birthday this week so I made this one a bit festive. It has three Project Life cards. The one on the left is my to do list, the Orange one is to keep track for calls and emails and the colorful one from the Honeycomb set is just to make me happy. :))
As you can see, I add my own stickers and embellishments to make it my own. The Orange Washi tape I bought at Walmart and the turquoise one I got at Michael’s. The stickers are from the 5 and under store.
I did visit the Pen Paradise at the Galleria in Dallas because they have Filofax planners and I almost bought a Holborn compact planner. It was Delish to the touch! But I’m holding out for aFF Malden or a Gillio.

I am working on a Christmas layout which I hope turns out very special so please stay tuned!!! Have a great week!!!


A quick peek at my Life’s Journey planner.


I made a fabric cover and it all evolved from there. Ended up with 54 pages total and I will use one week per page to document my fitness and events journey. I bound it by hand and that was tedious but making each page was so fun!! I will detail more about it in the coming weeks as I use it. I absolutely love it!




My first freebie!!! Printable planner Owl page

So this is the first time I give something away on my blog and I hope it works. I am new at this blog sharing stuff and I hope I did it correctly. Otherwise, please let me know. Anyway, This is a cute monthly planner printable page with my Owl design. I know we are already way into December but I figured if this works, I will continue giving away printables. It is in PDF format so you can print at whatever size. Just adjust your print settings in your printer, according to your planner. Please let me know if you have any issues so I can continue improving. Thanks!!

FYI! The colors are supposed to be like the ones on my other items in previous posts. I printed it and it looks perfect. Not sure why WP is acting up.

Click HERE to download

I hope you enjoy and the only thing I ask is for you to like the post or leave a comment and to share if possible. Thanks!

A Winter Wonderland!

Not really. 😦

We have been stuck in our house, except for a few instances when we attempted to face Armageddon and failed miserably. Our wonderful Texas state really has no clue how to deal with ice or snow or ice AND snow, even after several years in a row where we have had nothing but catastrophic events due to the weather. Really. Is it really that hard to think that winter is actually an occurrence even in Texas and prepare for it? Sanding, people! Salt Trucks, folks!

Anyway, this provided me with some extra idle time and I put it to use wisely by getting caught up on my Planners. This was an exciting week with my article being published on the UK Filofax page and all! I truly enjoyed seeing it. Hope you all saw it also!

And here in all its glory is my Original personal size for week 49. Week 49??????? EEEEEEKKKKK! There are only 52 weeks in a year! We are almost into a new year already and I am not prepared. Maybe I should stop complaining about winters in Texas. I feel just as numbed and shocked every time a new year comes as they do when they see ice and snow. By the way, I have a Xmas layout post coming this week but this one was ready so why not! I know, I know, it is blue again and that flowery washi tape has been used to death but come on!!! Doesn’t the combo look awesome?? 🙂

IMG_7061 IMG_7069 IMG_7072 IMG_7075 IMG_7078 IMG_7076 IMG_7079 IMG_7081

My Planner Tower. Osterley A5, Daytimer A5, MS Arc A5 and Domino Personal size.


The Mickey Mouse post its are from Disney World. I visited in the summer and could not pass up. The Washi Tapes are from Two Peas in a bucket, and so are the arrow clips. The Plastic Tabs on top are so old I can’t even remember where I got them.

Stay tuned for some awesome Xmas Filofax goodness coming this week!!!

The best morning email ever!

I woke up this morning at around 4:30 am. I know, I know. I’m an odd bird. I love being up before the world. Because of the time difference, I already had an email from England in my inbox and it read like this:

Well hello there Frances!

I hope you are very well and are having a good week.

I can (finally!) let you know that I have just posted your fabulous blog

It looks AMAZING!!!

We will also be using one of your photos on our home page and in some
emails coming up.

Thank you so much once again.

Eeeeekkkkkk!!!!!! So incredibly excited!!! Not only is my article published, but my photograph will be used in their homepage and emails???? Over the moon, I tell ya!!!! Over the moon!!!!

Go check it out, and if you have a minute, I would love me some sugar. Leave a comment!!! Thanks to all my followers and Facebook fans! Love you all!!!